
Three pages of resources are available to help you learn more about Nancy's work:

●  The Publications page contains a list of articles and other materials that Nancy has written about her teaching and coaching.

●  The Links page takes you to some of the individuals and organi-
zations that influence Nancy's workshops. It also provides access to some excellent online resources for improving your skills in presence, communication, and presentation.

●  The Blog page contains Nancy’s monthly writings on issues of communication, presentation, negotiation and leadership — from specific ideas for improving your skills, to reflections on these topics in response to the news, arts or literature.

●  The Subscribe page allows you to sign up for an email that is sent whenever Nancy updates her blog.

●  The Unsubscribe page allows you to cancel your subscription.

If you have comments on these resources, or if you'd like to share other websites that might add value to these pages, please contact Nancy.

© 2013-2014 Nancy Houfek